fire walk with me
I made this post apocalyptic soldier costume for a costume competition. I used lots of bright/white color because I was a bit tired of all these green brown black costumes. I wanted it to look like some kind of “clean” cyberpunk/sci-fi soldier. So i chose the transparent coat, the white belts, hoses and gloves. The plastic coat this should offer a decent protection from gas attacks. The soldier is also prepared for physical attacks. hes got a metal breast plate, thick leather coat, boots and a helmet.
You can see more of this costume in the shootings gallery.

Some information about the crafting process

I had also a lot of silly looking versions until i reached my final version.
This pipe is the front part of the helmet. This and the most of my other costumes stand and falls just with one cool item. Without this pipe which makes the helmet it would not work.
I used a transparent rain coat and a leather under-coat. I used special nicotine yellow spray paint (you can get it here: and ash for the weathering effect. I saw people who use mineral earth and other fancy shit for weathering. All you need is ash and clear spray paint to fix it.
Some people ask for the material costs of such costume. This one is about 120$ overall just material costs.
It consists of a raincoat, green leather coat, white gloves, army boots, pouches, belts, backpack, hoses, oxygen bottle, headphones, scarf rag, scrap, spray paint, duckt tape, screws, other small items, weapon (soft air gun, blowtorch and scrap)